Ticketing Hub

AFLW Week 9

The Hawks take on the Dees in Week 9 of the 2024 AFLW Season at Cazalys Stadium.

Members can simply scan their digital membership card to access the game.

For instructions on how to find your digital membership card - head here.

AFLW Week 10

The Hawks take on the Tigers in the final Home and Away game of the season in Week 10 of the 2024 AFLW Season at the Swinburne Centre.

This match has been classed as a fully ticketed game. This means members must redeem a $0 ticket to be able to access this match. Digital membership cards will not provide access to this match.

To secure your spot, redeem a $0 ticket via Ticketmaster using your member barcode number provided via email on 22 October.

If you have any questions, or require any assistance please contact the membership team on (03) 9535 3045.

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