HawksNest Vouchers

Your HawksNest voucher gives you the freedom to get your membership scarf or any other HawksNest items that you want!

In 2025, members will receive a $25 HawksNest voucher in their fulfillment packs! This gives you the freedom to redeem an item of your choice, or put it towards something larger. Look out for our exclusive member merchandise range which features the traditional Member Loyalty Scarf and Membership caps.

Please note: Lethal, Legends, Kennedy Club and Gold Reserved seat members all receive a scarf as well as a voucher. Baby and Toddler Hawks will receive a scarf only (no voucher). Lethal Club members receive a $50 HawksNest voucher.

Members will receive their HawksNest voucher in their membership pack. Once you have received this, you will be able to go online via the HawksNest website to redeem your voucher! More information on how to redeem your loyalty scarf and other member's only items will be sent out soon.

Members also receive 10% off HawksNest purchases.

Please note, all 2025 Membership HawksNest vouchers will expire on 31 August 2025.

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