Member Thank You

As part of Member Recognition, we want to thank all our members in 2024. We appreciate your support this year and want to reward you with a range of offers and exclusive experiences.

As a Hawthorn Member in 2024, you will:

  • Automatically enter annual Member Draw^
  • Have the chance to present guernseys to player’s pre-match
  • Receive exclusive invitations to Open Training and signing sessions
  • Be invited to a tour of Bunjil Bagora (Waverley Park)*

For more member rewards, click here!

Further communications regarding the above will be sent throughout the season.

^Annual member draw prizes include:

  • One of 10 signed AFL footballs
  • One of 10 signed AFL guernseys

Benefits & experiences are subject to change each year

*Tours are subject to capacity and registrations will be available at a later date

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